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Purity USA – Planning for future growth

April 2018

Purity - Purity USA – Planning for future growth

Established in 2014, Purity USA is based in New York and works across both the USA and Canada. Headed up by Business director Baqer Keshwani, we take a look at what the team have worked on to date and moreover, what the future holds.

So Baqer tell us a little about yourself – how long have you worked in the industry & how did you end up leading Purity in North America?

I have been working in this industry for more than a decade. My first association with Purity was in 2012 when I planned, then managed the Olympic Torch Evening Celebrations around the UK for Samsung. I was, however, always going to move to the US at some stage and in 2013 came to NYC to do my research and found that the market was to my liking. I presented my business plan to the Purity board and opened the doors of Purity USA on June 17th 2014.

Having established Purity in 2014 what would you consider your greatest successes?

In a highly competitive market, I feel that arguably our greatest success so far has been to growing the company year-on-year. Some statistics show the over 80% start-ups fail in the first two years of the business. We are completing our 4th year soon and looking to build on everything we achieved so far. Although, one campaign that springs to mind is recruiting, training and managing over 100 staff for Samsung at the world’s largest tech convention, CES, in Las Vegas earlier this year is certainly up there. However, I’m sure much bigger successes will follow soon.

Have you encountered many challenges over the past 4 years & if so, how have you overcome them?

The past four years have been an amazing journey. Every business in its infancy encounters issues and we are no different. The difference between the UK and the USA is not just changing your “S’s” to “Z’s”, it’s a completely different structure. It’s a lot more about who you know than what you know. And then there are different rules in different states.

Each problem is a challenge to me and if I didn’t think I was ready to take on those challenges, I would never have taken this journey on. I treat this as a massive puzzle and putting pieces together is what I love most!

What coverage do you now have in North America & how do you operate?

We cover all 50 states in the US and all over Canada. So far, we have activated in all major cities. The operation is simple; we have one office in the Lower East Side of NYC, an area that I have grown to love. All our operations are looked after from this office, however we have freelance project managers across the country who help with recruitment and management of staff on the ground.

Our competitive advantage lies in our attention to detail and our quality of service to clients. This is what sets us apart and is something that both our clients and the brand ambassadors appreciate about us. We travel across the country to attend almost all of our campaigns to show we care about the projects just as much as we care about our staff.

What is this year looking like for Purity In North America?

This year has started off well. We have managed to deliver a huge project in the beginning of the year which has set us up for a good 2018. This year I have set my sights on building even better relationships and creating new ones at the same time. We are also looking to hire at the top end to give more structure to the business.

What are your ambitions for the future?

In the short term, I want the USA branch to emulate Purity UK. The success we have had in the UK is due to the strength we have on the ground, the ability to hire the right staff and the relationships we have built over the years. That is something I have always admired and look to replicate in the US.

Of course, the USA is a much bigger market and in time we will have to grow to a level where new clients feel even more comfortable reaching out. This, however, will come with time and if there is one thing you want to know about Purity US, is that it’s here to stay!

To find out how Purity USA can create and deliver experiential marketing campaigns across North America contact the team, nyc@wearepurity.com.

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