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How to set up a successful experiential marketing campaign

April 2023

Purity - How to set up a successful experiential marketing campaign

Want to up your marketing game? Consider planning an experiential marketing campaign.

Experiential marketing is a whole new ball game compared to the likes of print or digital marketing – the main difference being that experiential marketing involves face-to-face interaction with your customers. So if you’re used to planning online campaigns from behind a screen, then it’s time to approach your marketing strategy with a fresh mindset.

That’s where our expert tips come in!

Our experiential marketing experts know all the ins and outs of planning a successful live campaign. So, let’s dive in.

Know your customer

Attracting people to an in-person event is a different story. So, you need to dig deep and find out what makes your customers tick.

If you’ve been using any other form of marketing, such as social media or emails, then you should have some data that shows who your customers are. What type of content do they love? What are they passionate about? Where are they from? How old are they? Use this information to craft events they’ll be dying to attend.

Set your goals

What do you hope to achieve from your experiential marketing campaign? Are you launching a new product or just growing your customer base? Whatever your objectives are, make sure that your experiential campaigns are tailored to meet those goals.

If you’re launching a new product, remember to give your customers a taste of what you’re offering. Letting them experience your product first-hand means they’ll be more likely to invest in it (both financially and emotionally), and spread the word!

On the other hand, you may not have one specific product to focus on but are hoping to build customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, or make connections on a broader scale

Use your online presence

Your online marketing and experiential marketing should go hand in hand. And any event or experience requires some advertisement, right?

So, use your social media presence, website, and email campaigns to promote and shout about your event to get people excited. You can create teasers, trailers, or interactive content to keep your audience engaged while you plan your event.

Or why not go all out and create a whole website dedicated to your event? The possibilities are endless!

Turn your customers into brand advocates

Make your event Instagrammable!

You might already have a lot to attract a crowd, such as product sampling or killer promotional staff. But you also want to give them something to post about. Once your customers start sharing their experience on their social channels and tagging your brand, you’ll get free advertising that’ll create a buzz around your event!

Whether it be impressive installations, branded backdrops, or pretty props – it’s all about how you present yourself.

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to take your marketing game to the next level with an experiential campaign, our team of experts are here to guide you through the process and ensure that your events increase brand awareness and are a huge success!

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